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Is your school patterned after other schools?
Yes. We have extensively studied schools who have been awarded the best in their region for quality private Christian education. The schools we have studied are mostly through the southern United States and have average annual tuitions in excess of five thousand dollars. We provide similar quality at less than half the price.

Is everything in the handbook being implemented this year?
Most everything is being implemented right away. Athletics and band may take a little more time to implement due to the special equipment needed. Also, the more students involved, the quicker the implementation.

Is Richmond Academy accredited?
Not yet. Our goal is to be accredited as soon as possible. Schools cannot start with accreditation. They must prove themselves to the accrediting agencies.

Do you offer hot lunches?
We offer optional hot lunches on Fridays.

Do you offer financial aid?
At this time, we offer multi-student discounts for all families. We can also offer up to a 5% discount based on financial need. Beyond that, most churches understand the importance of their children getting a private Christian education and will help. Families interested in Richmond Academy with a financial need should speak to their church's board members and ask for help.

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Copyright © 2002-2004 Richmond Academy, Inc.
Last modified: May 17, 2004